Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Fashion for a Rainy Day

OK fashionistas, You can still look HAUTE on a rainy day. Designers are launching FAB rainy day lines for the Diva in us all. Who wants to pack a scary umbrella and horribly chunky shoes just because we are getting some much needed rain? Not me, nor does my day stop because of the rain! True fashionistas understand the power of being prepared for anything!!!  You can find great looks from Burberry, Eddie Bauer, Beso, Trina Turk and many more. If you have a budget or you are somewhat forgetful you may want to try TJ Maxx-  http://www.tjmaxx.com/ or Target -http://www.target.com/ Check out these pics of some great pieces that were on-line!!!

Love this style!!

Every True Fashionista should have at least one trench coat in her closet!!

SAFDI has launched an informational site!!!

As I mention before San Antonio is in the process of getting its first fashion incubator!!! What fun! You can now check out an informational site at www.safdi.org to get more info. Be prepared for all of the greatness that will be debuting there!!! As we get ready to head into Fall lets make sure we are ready to welcome our newest fashion baby to the party!!! I will keep you all posted as info becomes available, adn I can not wait to meet the upcoming talent!!!